Friday, November 14, 2008

Why? Can Malaysian police be trusted?

It was suggested that the Malaysian police framed a guy of grug trafficking, planting drugs in his hotel room. For what reason i dunno.... but in the light of this, if it is true, how can anyone in Malaysia be safe while the cops are being the most dangerous foe. Well, easy job, just plant drugs and arrest anyone for disposal. It could happen to anybody.

Court frees Hong Kong man facing death on drug charge
PUTRAJAYA: The Federal Court of Appeal freed a Hong Kong man on Friday, overturning his death sentence for alleged drug trafficking.
A three-judge panel of the country’s highest court ruled there was insufficient evidence to hang Chan King Yu, who was arrested for alleged possession of methamphetamine eight years ago while on a business trip in Malaysia.
He was sentenced to death by the High Court in 2002 after prosecutors said police found more than 20 pounds (9 kgs) of the drug in his hotel room in Kuala Lumpur during a raid two years earlier.
Chan's lawyer, Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, argued that police framed his client by breaking into his room and planting the drug.
On Friday, the court ruled that Chan should be acquitted because it was unclear whether he knew the drugs were in his room.
The judges also said previous court decisions had failed to take into account discrepancies in witness testimony.
"I'm of the view ... there is a clear fabrication of evidence,'' Judge Hashim Yusoff said in his ruling. He did not say if the police involved in the case should be investigated.
A police spokesman refused to comment on the verdict, saying he was not authorised to comment on a case like this.
"You know we can easily make a mistake,'' he said.- AP

Full story:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

America...!!! lalalalalalalala.....!!


ok, its really been a long time since i last posted anything in here. So dead and ppl probably dont bother clicking my links anymore. Probably deleted it already. But nvm, nvm..... move on,


My sister has a blog!! I dunno what went into her to start a blog in the middle of her exams but if u all wanna see it is here:
i dunno why she must take on that name for her blog but can she name i like.... celina blogs or i'mben'ssister.blogspot or something?
those of you who didnt knew i had a sister, your chance to run around and scream with ur hands in the air.

I'm going back to America in Jan! Confirmed today! niceeeeee.... thats if oil companies aren't still taxed upside down so that people in America can live without a job, or just on a plain minimal work. Well whats the problem? Better create more bums than spending money on engineering training, right? or just build more abortion clinics, can make good money with 50 million Americans getting abortions each year while abortion wasnt fully legalised yet. think of it Obama.

but actually, i'm already too lazy to blog bout American politics. You wanna read them you can always drop by Joel's or Cheah's blogs. ok lets see.... coming up for me this few weeks will be, KL, trip to PD, fishing trip, penang trip, annual dinner, youth camp, Christmas, then back to US. Will blog bout it when it seems interesting. I wont blog on everything again like what i used to do. It's really seems pretty damn LOA. So again, why people blog and what to blog in order to increase some sort of contribution to society's mindset?

I dont know for sure. Correct me if i'm wrong, but blogs should be a tool to mainly propagate views, thinking and ideas.... a basic reasoning of responsible thoughts. Secondary would be just to upload pictures of a nice outing at a cupcake cafe to make all other readers feel like they lack the joy of life if they dont have a cupcake and in the same time taking pictures in cuddly groups show them eating cup cakes. It's really just an attempt to create a hype.

Then why people often fail to identify hype from solid reasoning? Could hype lead to rash unjustified actions and irresponsible thinking and decisions? It was obvious that McCain has the best policy for the American situation but then, why not choose something interesting? Something "new and fueled by excitement", ok.... nvm the lack of experience, let's just have fun selling all morality issues to pro choices and feed the unemployed.

Hype is dangerous. It's excitement without responsibility and most often comes with a heavy price. I enjoy being into hypes before and it's really good if you know that so many people are with you in it, moreover if you started it. But in all, then what values and character we hold out of this? Will youth camp 2008 be another hype and see youths come in the masses and then leave? Where is CY now for this standpoint?

I've made a point. At lease there's a picture in this post. I still got charisma ok!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Of trial and error, do or die, pick up and go...

Once there was this point in life where i never liked golf, nor wanted anything to do with it. It was boring, lame and unsatisfying. Played by under worked, over paid people, my idea was not to use my precious time playing a game played by people whom second goal in life was to die slowly, firstly waste life on golf. OMG...! looking back what i've just typed after pausing for the cleaning lady to clear out my trash, was as if my evil twin brother has just wrote that. Evil cause he hated golf. I'm redeem of the deprivation. Those oversize Americans could do off better as an evangelist when they can convert me to a golfist.

Same goes for everything else. There's always a first time to everything. If we don't try and give things a shot, we'll never discover something greater, instead, we'll just stuck stagnant.

Same goes for making decisions. Decisions that leads to consequences. If you are gonna sit and complain bout the world, then the world is against you. If you do nothing and suffer in silence, then you are a victim. If you summon your courage, stand up and actually do something about it, your're a hero.

It simple for us to watch these heros do great things, make changes and gather support for a cause. But we fail to realise how easy it is to be one. It's only easy if we have the guts, and too fed up with whats going on. Relying on one hero wont change much, but if heros rise for a better change, may it be in an organisation, then it really... i mean really easy.

Fact of the matter is, I keep reminding my self and the people around me that; if you are not willing to take a fall for somebody, dont expect anyone to take a fall for you.

You are just as good as who your mind limit you to be.

I seriously ran out of pictures. Anyone wanna contribute some?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'll say it again...

I’m now back to blogging after a long while. Temporarily escaping from the blogsphere and getting on with my life seems very inviting especially after arriving home; mainly because most of my time was spend with my family and friend. I do appreciate everyone and I do miss everyone and getting back to see you all brings me great joy. Sorry if this unupdate blog was drearily dead but now I will try to update it as my heart feels like it.

As mention in one of my very first post on Ben Blogs, I wanna boil down to why I ever bother about blogging back again? I seriously had thoughts of just giving up and reading other people’s blog but then it’s not the same. It’s different. Every blogger knows. It’s like iterating your life once more and keeping it in cyber memory so that it would be cherish in a long term manner. Blogging is somewhat same like saying I love you to your girlfriend after all the actions that you shown. You show it, then you say it. Then you say it again. It gets planted in the mind and touches the heart.

So there… you see blogging is a sort of affection. Affection don’t just stop at one sentence or action, but it goes a long way. You have to say it again, you have to do it again cause she love it. You can whisper it to her, you can write it down on a piece of paper for her, you can call her and say whatever magic comes to being when you talk to her. It’s like blogging. You say it again. It is just a little different with your girlfriend. It has to come from your heart, show that you are really there for her, appreciate her and let her know that she is the only one that could make every wrong thing right. Say it again…

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Welcome to the Ashram!

Well its been a real long while since anything happen here, except for those faithful bloggers/viewers who still remember to drop by a comment on the cbox. Sorry that I've been blog away since I got back but this blog will be up and running by end of this week! Promise! Because all bloggers needs to know that a:

U.tilizing the
Mariska Hargitay!
Also, i'm pretty anxious about the Sept 16 pakatan take over. Seriously..... Abdullah has totally no control anymore. The MPs that went to Taiwan for a "study" was so timely for the sept 16. thats VERY desperate for BN. cant wait to see if the new Gov will provide what we always long for.... hopfully. or else it will just be of longing wish untill some crap like some ....ARGH@@@!!#$#$# Whatever!! I just want a Malaysian Government, not a Malay Government.
Mariska Hargitay!

Monday, June 30, 2008

WWE Night of Champions

Woooooo YEAH!!! Everyone watches wrestling.... at least when they were kids or in high school. I did, and was very into it too. I remember copying moves and use them on school friends, or in church camps where Joel, Sken and few others use to wrestler each other. Anyway.... after all these years of watching... FINALLY, MY FIRST LIVE WWE WRESTLING MATCH!

Just like on tv

ooohhh..... happy nya...

Get to see the stars live. like Matt Hardy!

Heavy weigth. Kane, Big Show, and mark Henry
The main event. WWE Championship match. Triple H vs John Cena

Shots from the crowd
Championship match. Triple H my HERO!
Happy guy.
I was like a kid again. lost my voice and cant sleep the whole night! So satisfied.

And OH!!! When the show finished, we stayed back for awhile. Then the announcers exited the floor. There were few ppl left in the stadium... so i holla at JR, King and Mic Folley. Guess what?! THEY HOLLA BACK AT ME!! MIC FOLLEY AND JR SAID HIE TO ME!! YEAH...... *collapse*

Friday, June 27, 2008

C'est la Vie for now...

WoooHooo..... wanted to post this up for really long time but just manage to find the time for it. Well right after golf... such a shame that i rather play golf than blog eh?? but rather more ashame to delay this:


yeah.... happy birthday dear sister. You've been a great friend and its been a pleasure knowing you all these while. I'm glad that you've grown to be the girl you are today now and all my best wishes to you for the year to come.

Its been a great week here and getting to hang out with the ppl here is pretty awesome, getting to try out alot of stuff here. I must say that there's alot of things to do for my free time here. Thats life here. Thoug i'm still really looking forward to be home, but life here is still pretty exciting and the fun keep coming. Well.... just a few pictures from the past week:

Mountian biking!

I've move to another department for 2 months already and these guys are bicycle nuts. The go riding alot and since then I've been joining them on some of the trips. I'm not really a bicycle guy, i prefer some sort of transportation with motors on it but its really cool. At least get to stay i shape with all these American food i'm eating. I'll post pictures once i get some better shots of myself... so mean while.... MORE GUNS!!


The many choices of joy

The range

more toys

Ok, this is where it starts to get really exciting! That a 0.44 magnum. A super powerful gun. Like Clint Eastwood used in his movies. Check out the size of it, 11 inches length!

BOOM!! The recoil was a killer!

Thats Greg Chitwood, a colleague from work. He owns that gun, showing us the true cowboy style of a 44 magnum.

More shots

more buddies. Jeff and Stephen

Sniper!! BANG!!
Thats life for now.... cant wait to go home KL for some curry noodles,

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Sister

Another birthday shout out. This is to my sister, Celina Ong who is in Melbourne now.

Ah... The Sister!
Happy 21st Birthday and have a great time there. Easy on your power shoppings and parties there and hope to see you this year end, or else mid next year.

I miss the times where we hang out. Take care there. Big girl already. Dont always call mummy to complain stuff ok.

Regards and love. by The Brother.

The song is dedicated to you

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hello again!!

Well Hello...... hello again. yup, its been like ages since i've updated here and that means its an indication of me being work to the limit and stressed off, and also as well as squeezing in some party time and fun time.

The 18 Year Old

Before that i wanna wish dear old Katrina Yeoh a happy belated 18th Birthday. Big girl already, so pls take care of urself as u continue to take on life's challenge, especially in college. Remember that you have a future that is in your control and make good use of it. Blessed birthday and God keep you!

My life here now is pretty pappy.... nice, and alot of friends to hang out doing stuff with. I truly thank God for the ppl here, and i really felt special to ever get to cross path in life with them. It is like we're borned in the opposite side of the globe yet we can accounter so much in common, and share many great times. But with all said and done, i cant help but to constantly look forward to go home. I miss everyone there. Also, partly why i wanna come home is that... i cant bear with myself for leaving my ministry behind, its like a part of me thats gone. I felt so much that what i had last time was not worth giving up. Lately things hasnt been going too well there too.... that saddens me. I cant sit and do nothing. I just cannot allow it to happen, to just let it pass. Something has to be done.

Anyway, on a brighter side, update on my weekend! Wooo HOOO...

I went for this gun fair at downtown Dallas. Imagine our edu fair we normally have, just that this one is all selling guns and other related goodies. Its an eye opener, cause i get to see the blend of Texas culture in the fair. I'll tell more story when i get back over tea. So just for now, here are the pictures, enjoy.
Woooo.... guns.

More guns......

more guns which are hand guns...

Cool guns.... ( if I were ever to buy one, it'll be this one, the Colt M4A1 Carbine)

More cool guns... Styer AUG. (Counter Strike, CT number 4-4)

They have machine guns too

... and also some pretty Texan guns

and some king kong maya mega alotsa guns!!

ooo.. they even have guns for the little girls too.

awww.... isnt that cute!

they had some animal products too.

some old junk.... see, there's grenades there

and some WW2 old stuff.

well thats bout all from that show. i really wanna put a good post here but there's all i got for now. I'll be back with more thoughts. bye

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Was suppose to be packing and getting ready to go home for a short while....
Well I guess its a couple more weeks here.
I hate to miss...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ala.... mati memang one day pun mati. Nasib mah......

Dec 2007 - Kemaman

Driver : Dulu i penah bawak itu director Khidmat Negara. Dia datang sehari nak tengok kem tu kat Cherating.

Ben : Ye ke? hari tu ade budak NS demam sampai mati. Suruh dia bikin betul la.

Driver : Memang... aku tanya dia, kenape banyak budak mati pasal medical issue semua... Dia kata; ala.... u worry apasal? budak duduk rumah pun boleh mati, sini NS seorang mati out of 100 000, nak bising banyak. Kalau dah memang sakit teruk, mati la. God's hand mah. Ala... mati pun memang one day pun mati. Nasib memang nasib.... tak b'leh buat ape ape.

Look, when will the freaking government ever understand that this National Service rubbish is really wasting everybody's time? Firstly, what kinda stupid mentality the director has? Instead of striving to obtain perfect safety and health and zero fatality, he's giving allowance for trainees to die.

Its always the same incident. Lack of proper medical attention. Nobody ever dies of constipation, no normal person would send a sick guy to hospital only after one week of high fever. Only in NS? No parents wanna send their kid to a camp only to get back their dead body.

It could happen to you. If you and your parents dont speak up, it'll happen again, intake after intake. It's always the same mentality.... tidak apa.... takdir tuhan... seorang saja yang mati. Biasa la. Another 18 year old gone..............

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Thanks Eelaine. I was working on another post but since i've never gotten tagged b4.... i'll like to try.

What is the most important thing in your life?
Keeping my faith

Do you smoke?
no need.... i'm already smoking hot!

What is the latest gadget that you own?
Company's laptop. counted? or.... I'm currently bidding for a 1940 Girard Perregux on ebay. if i get... then its the latest.

Who did you mostly text yesterday?
my driver...... (sigh, i need more friends)

What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
my golf clubs, with a golf bag, and balls, and golf towel, golf shoes, tee, golf cap, club, golf, golf....

Where do you wish to get married?
Penang. ahhh.... KL also can la!

How many kids do you want?
5. big family rocks!

Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Free Birds Buritos.

Name the lastest book that you bought.
Machinary handbook.

What is your full name?
Ong Chien Hsiang Benjamin. ppl actually ask this in tags?

Do you prefer your mother or father?
Mum. since yesterday was mother's day. not that i like to choose.

Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
Lorena Ocho

Do you do your own laundry?
Currently yeah.

The most exciting place you want to go?
Bohemia. or Northen Norway. somewhere that is mystical will do.

Hugs or kisses?

Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
- cute
- can talk on the phone for hours
- cheerful, can be deep in thoughts
- strong character
- fun
- my pet sister!

Things I am passionate about
- my faith
- culture and anythingfun/crazy
- things of historical value
- golf
- famly, friends, and career

Things I say too often
- things i should sometimes never say/ "damn it!"/ "awwww...... man...."

Books I’ve read recently
bible, harry potter and the soccerer's stone, harry potter and the chamber of secrets, harry potter and the prince of azkaban, harry potter and the order of phoenix, harry potter and the goblet of fire, and harry potter and the half blood prince.

Songs I could listen to over and over again
Apologise - Timberland/one republic, Disanchanted - MCR, Straightjacket feeling - All American rejects, Sucide note - Disagree, Take a bow - Madonna.

Things I learned last year
- grab life and live on the fast lane.
- anything is possible, do it

Peeps I wanna tag
- Joshua Cheah, Claryn, Julie Ann, Julia, Eve, Chirstine, Ian, Michelle Tan and Brian Siew (brian.... here's a really good chance for u to update ur blog!!!)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The greatest game ever....

Everything has pretty much settled down to a more quiet tone, nothing much going on, things couldn't been better, and now all i worry is that everything would get so much so mundane here. There alot of other things i should be blogging about but it'll come a point in time where it'll be even more appropriate and effective, here are some pictures of my last week's golfing trip to fill in for the moment, at least thats all i can think of for now. Whilst I struggle to find the song i wanted to attach here, got me thinking again.... perhaps i should blog more about consequential life rather than things like these. Anyway.... here they are, enjoy the pictures!

Didn't manage to capture many nice shots cause we cant really wander off from the game..

Me teeing off


more shots

Ducks... there was more wildlife there but didnt manage to take shots of it.

For some of you who thinks that golf is a pretty dumb game, which i did last time, you should watch this movie. very interesting and its amazing how can the producers make a golf game that interesting. go watch! i love that show!

Monday, April 21, 2008


Wooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Went for paint ball last Saturday and it was painfully awesome! We played among our colleagues from work and it was a really nice place, everything took place in some sort of jungle. But we wern't allowed to take pictures in the battlefield so here's only the shots outside the zone.

Team A!! My team! I already had paint on my shirt....

Team B..... sigh, wanna guess who won?

Part of team A's way of settleing a dispute

Getting ready team A

Getting ready team B.... check out the guy on the left. all chuned equipments.

Going to the battle zone

more pictures....

Okay.... we played for like 4 and a half hours and after 6 huge boxes of paint balls.... man.... tired gile. and it was pain left and righ ok.

after the games

man.... all beaten up.

We got most of the shots on the face thanks to the bright yellow mask we had, which perfectly really help not blending us with the seroundings. Was very very fun la... i wanna go again. and i shot alot of ppl's backside when they turn and run... cause i can't really see well, so thats the bigest thing i see on them... so shoot la... what the heck.