Same goes for everything else. There's always a first time to everything. If we don't try and give things a shot, we'll never discover something greater, instead, we'll just stuck stagnant.
Same goes for making decisions. Decisions that leads to consequences. If you are gonna sit and complain bout the world, then the world is against you. If you do nothing and suffer in silence, then you are a victim. If you summon your courage, stand up and actually do something about it, your're a hero.
It simple for us to watch these heros do great things, make changes and gather support for a cause. But we fail to realise how easy it is to be one. It's only easy if we have the guts, and too fed up with whats going on. Relying on one hero wont change much, but if heros rise for a better change, may it be in an organisation, then it really... i mean really easy.
Fact of the matter is, I keep reminding my self and the people around me that; if you are not willing to take a fall for somebody, dont expect anyone to take a fall for you.
You are just as good as who your mind limit you to be.I seriously ran out of pictures. Anyone wanna contribute some?