Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Of trial and error, do or die, pick up and go...

Once there was this point in life where i never liked golf, nor wanted anything to do with it. It was boring, lame and unsatisfying. Played by under worked, over paid people, my idea was not to use my precious time playing a game played by people whom second goal in life was to die slowly, firstly waste life on golf. OMG...! looking back what i've just typed after pausing for the cleaning lady to clear out my trash, was as if my evil twin brother has just wrote that. Evil cause he hated golf. I'm redeem of the deprivation. Those oversize Americans could do off better as an evangelist when they can convert me to a golfist.

Same goes for everything else. There's always a first time to everything. If we don't try and give things a shot, we'll never discover something greater, instead, we'll just stuck stagnant.

Same goes for making decisions. Decisions that leads to consequences. If you are gonna sit and complain bout the world, then the world is against you. If you do nothing and suffer in silence, then you are a victim. If you summon your courage, stand up and actually do something about it, your're a hero.

It simple for us to watch these heros do great things, make changes and gather support for a cause. But we fail to realise how easy it is to be one. It's only easy if we have the guts, and too fed up with whats going on. Relying on one hero wont change much, but if heros rise for a better change, may it be in an organisation, then it really... i mean really easy.

Fact of the matter is, I keep reminding my self and the people around me that; if you are not willing to take a fall for somebody, dont expect anyone to take a fall for you.

You are just as good as who your mind limit you to be.

I seriously ran out of pictures. Anyone wanna contribute some?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'll say it again...

I’m now back to blogging after a long while. Temporarily escaping from the blogsphere and getting on with my life seems very inviting especially after arriving home; mainly because most of my time was spend with my family and friend. I do appreciate everyone and I do miss everyone and getting back to see you all brings me great joy. Sorry if this unupdate blog was drearily dead but now I will try to update it as my heart feels like it.

As mention in one of my very first post on Ben Blogs, I wanna boil down to why I ever bother about blogging back again? I seriously had thoughts of just giving up and reading other people’s blog but then it’s not the same. It’s different. Every blogger knows. It’s like iterating your life once more and keeping it in cyber memory so that it would be cherish in a long term manner. Blogging is somewhat same like saying I love you to your girlfriend after all the actions that you shown. You show it, then you say it. Then you say it again. It gets planted in the mind and touches the heart.

So there… you see blogging is a sort of affection. Affection don’t just stop at one sentence or action, but it goes a long way. You have to say it again, you have to do it again cause she love it. You can whisper it to her, you can write it down on a piece of paper for her, you can call her and say whatever magic comes to being when you talk to her. It’s like blogging. You say it again. It is just a little different with your girlfriend. It has to come from your heart, show that you are really there for her, appreciate her and let her know that she is the only one that could make every wrong thing right. Say it again…

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Welcome to the Ashram!

Well its been a real long while since anything happen here, except for those faithful bloggers/viewers who still remember to drop by a comment on the cbox. Sorry that I've been blog away since I got back but this blog will be up and running by end of this week! Promise! Because all bloggers needs to know that a:

U.tilizing the
Mariska Hargitay!
Also, i'm pretty anxious about the Sept 16 pakatan take over. Seriously..... Abdullah has totally no control anymore. The MPs that went to Taiwan for a "study" was so timely for the sept 16. thats VERY desperate for BN. cant wait to see if the new Gov will provide what we always long for.... hopfully. or else it will just be of longing wish untill some crap like some ....ARGH@@@!!#$#$# Whatever!! I just want a Malaysian Government, not a Malay Government.
Mariska Hargitay!